10 December is the international human rights day and in Nepalgunj several of the many human rights organisations celebrated with a peace rally through town. We were at least 10 different organisations, as well as the police, the armed police and some members from the army.

During the day many organisations also celebrated by organising free speech competitions and I was invited to two of them. The first one was a women group of Amnesty International where young girls where talking on the subject of women's rights and domestic violence. Even though very young and some of them very nervous, they were very good and really showed that they knew something about the subject.

The second competition took place at a youth club of one of our LHRA's, Ramsing (the one wearing the cap). Their topic was youth's role in development of sustainable peace. This time I was the guest of honour and I therefore got to hand over the price to the winner, as well as give him a tika. This was the first time I have ever given a tika and it is definitely not as easy as it might look.
We ended the celebrations by lightening candles in one of the chowks (intersections) in town. This was very nice, even though kids ran away with the candles as soon as we left...