Have I told you about "my" LHRAs, the Local Human Rights Activist of Huron? If not it's about time, they are without doubt the joy of my my work with Huron. We have 96 LHRAs spread out evenly in our district and, as the word of the day in Nepal is requiring, they are inclusive of just about anything; e.g. 50% women, several different religions, different castes (yes they unfortunately still exist) and indigenous people. In their aim to raise awareness of human rights they came up with the idea of a peace rally through our district, by bicycle. If i could post a picture showing the true condition of the roads in Nepal, you'd understand why this is such as achievement, and why my behind was so sore after the rally! Surprisingly I'm not sore after the journey, however even though only February I got several freckles and my nose is already scaling off...

To make a long story short, we went from Nepalgunj to the end of our district on bicycles, wearing banners and signs promoting human rights and peace. In the villages we passed we stopped for programmes (in Hindi and Awadi, as if I thought it'd be enough to learn Nepali...) providing information on human rights and the upcoming election.
It was a long journey with several typical Nepali experiences. To mention a few - crossing a river by boat, having to do the last half on our own (see picture); passing a local ambulance, pulled by two oxen; having to wake up the bed mates every time the hardness of the bed made me have to turn around; towing a broken bicycle; and cycling

in complete darkness, due to unsurprising and obligatory delays, without sufficient torches.
Noticing the happy response in the villages the LHRAs are nor planning a second, and slightly longer cycle rally - all through Nepal! For this we need lots of sponsoring, so if any reader is a fan or human rights, peace or cycling, please don't hesitate to be our sponsor!