It is wise to put on something old for Holi, because the game played involves lots of colours.
Pigment of all imaginable shades are smeared or thrown at friends until everyone is unrecognisable. The more the merrier seems to be the only rule of the game.

Starting at home with giving tikas to family members, people then go around in their neighborhood calling neighbours from their house to come play Holi. This is a day when it is possible to enter any house, regardless of whether or not it would normally not be the custom. When getting out of the house, one pretty much consent to being a target for anyone, especially if you are a bideshi. Children block
the road and demand money for letting you pass or they throw coloured water.

I played Holi both days, first day with the family I share house with, the next day with some of the LHRAs of Huron. Saturday was a pretty calm day playing with the neighbours and then eating and dancing at home. Sunday however, things went crazy. Together will Anup, Bhupendra and Ram Sing, I went around to different villages and home of friends together to play. The further away from Nepalgunj we came, the more fun it was to paint the bideshi. I was completely covered in colour and had to give tikas and pose for pictures with everyone. Even though sometimes thinking that I'd chowk from the pigment, and being blind becuase my glasses were aither covered by coulour or taken from me, I had a great time all day. I even enjoyed the dancing that I could not escape when we played at Bhupendra's home.
After dancing in the temple on the first picture we all went home to my house to prepare the