The partnership between MS and Huron is running out and we're performing a partnership evaluation to find out what benefits came of the partnership to Huron itself and to the beneficiaries and the community. As a first step of this, we are visiting some of our LHRAs, and selected beneficiaries of them, discussing what we have done during the last three years, what they have participated in and what they think of this. We are also asking questions to the LHRAs themselves about their training, what they think of the support they have gotten from Huron, and what they want to do as LHRA in the future partnership, if any. I still don't know what they have written, but I sincerely hope they are honest and also write complaints or things they are less happy with so that we can do something about this. Unfortunately I think they have to much
respect for the authority of Huron and its executive committee so I am afraid they are saying that everything is perfect and that they cannot ask for more. I know this is a lie, they tell me what they think and what they want, but they don't dare to tell Huron. This is something I hope I will have some affect on during my time here; I want them to start questioning the authority and knowing that they are just as good and important as the president, it's just a different title.
During the actual field visits, the language makes it a bit hard for me to be overly active why I spend my time observing to give advice afterwards on what I thought of the programme. Plus I act as the photographer, trying to capture everything and everyone with my camera, a very popular tool. Apart from documenting, I also designed the questionnaires, I was a major part of planning the visits, plus I was the driver, in other words, I am acting behind the scenes I suppose.
Anyway, time to let the pictures talk...